Who We Are
Self-Funded Plans, Inc. is the recognized leader in third party administration. We know the waters. We have been there before. We can help make sure that your passage into the future is smooth. By offering experience, skill, dedication and professionalism, Self-Funded Plans, Inc. will assist you in gaining control of your benefit plan through self-funding.
Self-Funded Plans, Inc. was an early advocate of the self-funding concept. In 1980, Thomas P Luby & Company had the foresight to combine its experience and knowledge in the insurance brokerage and consulting industries and establish Self-Funded Plans, Inc. Over the years, Self-Funded Plans, Inc. has expanded its services to respond to the needs of our clients, to fulfill the demands of government regulation and to promote innovation. Today, our business integrity, customer commitment and industry knowledge have helped earn the trust of hundreds of employers nationwide.
We are long-standing members of the Society of Professional Benefit Administrators (SPBA).